Facilities At a Glance

Facilities At a Glance

Free consultation at Nine Specialty Ayurveda clinical OPD's

All the Ayurveda treatment at Free of Cost.

Free healthy food for the IPD patients.

100 bedded inpatient facility

Panchakarma treatment rooms with traditional equipments & modern facilities Nadi Pariksha

Full fledged Major Operation TheatTe with monitoring devices

Well equipped Labor room

Eye unit with auto refractometer, slit lamp & different treatments (Kriyakalpas)

Fully fledged Ano-rectal clinic with Kshara therapy facility

Yoga consultation, advice on preventive measures, meditation.

X-ray, ECG with radiologist consultation

Diagnostic laboratory equipped with Auto analyzer

24-hour Pharmacy facility for patients


Customized Ayurveda/Naturopathy Diets are available for inpatients.

Ambulance services