
Basic Principles

Samhitha Siddhanta

Ayurveda is the oldest healing science. it means the science of life. It seems from the ancient vedic calture and was thought for many thousands of years in an or a tradition from accomplished matter to their disciples. The principles of many of the natural healing systems. Ayurvedo enables one to understand how to create this balance of the body, mind & contribues according to on one's own indirectional.Its depends one the Vata. The Energy of monemeni, Retta. The energy of digestion & metabolism along with kapha- the energy of Lubrication.


Rachana Sharir

Anatomy is the identification and description of the structures of living things. It is a branch of biology and medicine.Traditionally, studies of anatomy have involved cutting up, or dissecting, organisms.Now, however, imaging technology can show us much about how the inside of a body works, reducing the need for dissection. The Anatomy is the two main approaches: microscopic anatomy and gross anatomy which related to the argue system in the human body. The anatomy has utilize the Teaching, Diagonsis, Forensic investigations,Autopsies and Histopathology.


Kriya Sharira

Physiology is the study of normal function within living creatures. It is a sub-section of biology, covering a range of topics that include organs, anatomy, cells, biological compounds, and how they all interact to make life possible. The most relevant arm of physiological research as all, Today is applied human physiology. this field investigates biological systems at the level of the cell, organ, system, anatomy, organism, and everywhere in between.
दोष धातु मल मूलं हि शरीरम्



Ayurveda places great importance on the study of also deals with identification, collection, storage, and preservation of raw materials of plant origin.Department works with objectives to provide knowledge of fundamental principles of Dravyaguna, drug action as per Ayurveda and conventional system of medicine. It also aims to develop research methodology for understanding of principles of Ayurvedic Pharmacology & Materia Medica balancing Classical & Contemporary knowledge.Dravyaguna Department focuses on conservation and cultivation aspects of medicinal plants and also caters to the need of Health seekers by supplying the household medicinal plants which serve as remedy common ailments.


Rasashastra evam Bhaishajya Kalpana

Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana (Iatrochemistry and Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) is a unique branch of Ayurveda which deals with the selection and collection of genuine raw drugs, different processing / Samskaras and preparation of medicines by using Kashtaoushadhi (Herbal), Rasoushadhi (Mineral) and Kashta-rasoushadhi (Herbo-mineral). Kasthaoushdhi includes different parts of the herbs both in wet and dry forms. Rasoushadhi includes minerals, metals, and animal origin drugs. These drugs must undergo proper Samskaras like, Shodhana, Marana, etc. before preparing medicines to avoid toxicity of the drugs. All the Samskaras and basic principle mentioned in classics were performed to made effective medicine. Different types of formulations i.e. Vati, Gutika, Churna, Bhasma, Kupipakwa Rasa, Parpati, Pottali, Varti, Asavarishta, Arka etc. are prepared classically and also gives its indications, dose, Anupana, Pathya-apathya etc. in detail. Pharmaceutical aspects (Aushadha Nirmana) is main aspect of Rasashashtra and Bhaishajya Kalpana.


Agadatantra evam Vidhi Vaidyaka

Agadatantra is one among the eight recognised clinical branches of Ayurveda right from the days of its inception. It deals with the bites of snakes, insects, spiders, scorpions, rats etc, their diagnosis, treatment and also the signs and symptoms of accidental and purposeful ingestion of poisons including kritrima visha (artificial poison) Gara (concocted poison) and Dushivisha1 (denatured poison)
The word Agadatantra is derived from the two words “Agad” and “Tantra”. ‘Agad’ is derived from the word ‘Gada’. The word ‘Gada’ has two meanings, one is disease and the other is poison. Agada means anything that cures poison or gives freedom from disease. Agadatantra is the system of knowledge for eliminating poison.
The history of Ayurvedic toxicology can be traced back to vedic period ie, before 5000 BC. In Yajur veda and Atharva veda, mantras to overcome injuries caused by snakes are mentioned. Our Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharata contains references about powerful herbs and mantras for snake bite management. Sushruta samhita kalpasthana is devoted to Agada tantra. Charaka samhita has a chapter for Visha chikitsa. Kashyapa samhita, Alambayana samhita, Usana samhita, Sanaka samhita etc are some texts on Ayurvedic toxicology. Ashtanga samgraha describes toxicology in a classical manner.


Swasthavritta and Yoga

Swastha- Healthy
Vritta – Living
The branch of Ayurveda which integrates the Principles and Practices of Ayurveda, Yoga and Preventive and Social Medicine for Holistic Health and Wellness is called as Swasthavritta.
Vitalizing Health and prevention of diseases.


Roga Nidan evam Vikriti vigyana

Rognidan evum vikriti vigyan is a subject that gives Emphasis on Ayurveda and contemporary diagnostic and pathology. It is a key for students to apply knowledge of fundamental principles of Ayurveda to practice by understanding disease.
“ Nidan Parivarjan” is first step for prevention, the study of Nidan should be accurate & Nidan panchak is the base of diagnosis of disease.
Rogi pariksha like Asthvidha , Dashvidha pariksha making possible efforts for early diagnosis of diseases. Rog nidan department provides better skills of diagnosis to students by Ayurved and modern aspects. This department looks after the clinical laboratory of hospital as well as providing facilities for investigation of blood , urine , stool examination of patients.